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Fortnightly Vs Monthly Repayments - Which one one is better

Understand the advantages of Fortnightly repayments over monthly, and how this simple tactic can help you pay off your mortgage 5 years faster.

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When it comes to managing a home loan, the repayment schedule you choose can significantly influence the amount of interest you pay over the life of your mortgage. While the traditional monthly repayment plan is familiar to most borrowers, an alternative approach — making fortnightly repayments — can offer substantial financial benefits, including reducing the overall interest paid and shortening the loan term. This guide delves into the differences between fortnightly and monthly home loan repayments, focusing on how these schedules affect compound interest and the total cost of your mortgage. By understanding these differences, homeowners can make informed decisions that align with their financial goals and potentially save thousands of dollars in the long run.

The decision between fortnightly and monthly repayments is more than just a matter of preference; it's about financial strategy. With the right approach, borrowers can harness the power of compound interest to their advantage, turning what seems like a small change in repayment frequency into significant long-term savings. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or looking to refine your current mortgage strategy, this article will provide you with the insights needed to navigate your repayment options effectively.

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Understanding Home Loan Repayments

Navigating the world of home loans can be complex, but grasping the basics of mortgage repayments and the influence of compound interest is crucial for any homeowner. A mortgage, or home loan, is not just a debt you owe; it's a long-term financial commitment that requires strategic planning and understanding. Repayments are the regular instalments you make to pay off this loan over time, and the way these payments are structured can have a profound impact on the total amount you pay.

Definition and Importance

A mortgage is essentially a loan secured by your property, allowing you to purchase a home without paying the full price upfront. Home loan repayments are the monthly, fortnightly, or weekly payments made to reduce this loan's balance, including both the principal and the interest. The terms of your loan, including the interest rate and repayment frequency, play significant roles in determining how quickly you can pay off your loan and how much interest you'll end up paying.

What is Compound Interest?

Compound interest is when you earn or pay interest on both your original amount and the interest that has already accumulated. For example, if you earn $50 in interest one month, that $50 is added to your total. Then, the next month, you earn interest on this new total, including the previously earned $50.

In the context of a home loan, it means that if you're not making repayments that cover the interest charges, the unpaid interest can be added to the principal, and future interest payments will be calculated on a higher amount. This compounding effect can significantly increase the total amount you pay over the life of your loan.

The power of compound interest works both ways, however. By increasing your repayment frequency from monthly to fortnightly, you can actually harness this power to your benefit. Since interest is calculated daily, making repayments more frequently reduces the principal balance more quickly, thereby reducing the total interest charged over the life of the loan.

Understanding these concepts is fundamental to managing your mortgage effectively and can lead you to make decisions that save you money and reduce the term of your loan. Whether you're in the early stages of considering a home loan or looking to optimise your current repayment strategy, a clear grasp of these principles can lead to more informed and beneficial decisions.

Fortnightly Repayments Explained

Choosing a repayment schedule is a significant decision for any homeowner. While monthly repayments are standard, opting for a fortnightly schedule can offer compelling advantages, especially when it comes to the accumulation of compound interest and the overall interest paid over the life of the loan.

How Fortnightly Repayments Work

Fortnightly repayments mean that instead of making twelve monthly payments in a year, you make a payment every two weeks, resulting in twenty-six payments annually. This effectively allows you to make an extra month's payment each year, directly applied to your principal. Since there are 52 weeks in a year, dividing this by two gives you 26 half-payments, which equates to 13 full monthly payments instead of the 12 payments you would make on a monthly schedule.

Benefits of Fortnightly Repayments

Reduced Interest Over the Loan Term: The primary advantage of fortnightly repayments lies in the reduction of the principal balance more frequently. This decreases the amount of interest accumulated over the life of the loan because interest is calculated on the remaining balance, which will be lower with more frequent repayments. Shorter Loan Term: By effectively making an extra month's payment each year, you not only save on interest but can also significantly shorten the term of your loan. This can mean becoming debt-free several years earlier than anticipated, a goal that holds substantial appeal for many homeowners.

Considerations and Potential Drawbacks

Budgeting Adjustments: Switching to fortnightly payments may require some to adjust their budgeting, as it means allocating funds for a home loan payment every two weeks instead of once a month. For those who receive their salary on a monthly basis, this may require careful financial planning. Lender Fees and Terms: Some lenders may charge fees for switching to a fortnightly repayment schedule or may not offer the option to make true fortnightly payments, instead calculating them in a different manner that doesn't provide the same benefits. It's important to discuss this with your lender and read the fine print before making any changes to your repayment schedule.

Incorporating fortnightly repayments into your mortgage strategy can be a wise financial decision, offering significant savings and a quicker path to loan repayment. However, like any financial strategy, it requires careful consideration and planning to ensure it aligns with your personal financial situation and goals.

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Monthly Repayments Explained

Monthly repayments have long been the standard for home loan schedules, providing borrowers with a predictable and straightforward approach to paying off their mortgage. Understanding how monthly repayments work, and their implications, is crucial for any homeowner making decisions about their loan repayment strategy.

How Monthly Repayments Work

With monthly repayments, you make one payment towards your home loan every month, totalling twelve payments over the course of a year. Each payment is applied towards both the principal and the interest, with the proportion of each changing over the life of the loan due to amortisation. Initially, a larger portion of each payment goes towards interest, but as the principal decreases, more of each payment is applied to the principal.

Comparative Analysis with Fortnightly Repayments

When comparing monthly to fortnightly repayments, the key difference lies in the frequency of payments and the resulting impact on compound interest. While monthly repayments offer simplicity, fortnightly repayments can lead to significant savings on interest and a shorter loan term due to the additional payment made each year and the more frequent reduction of the loan balance.

Advantages of Monthly Repayments:

  • Simplicity and Predictability: Many borrowers appreciate the simplicity of monthly repayments, which align with other monthly financial obligations and income schedules.
  • Budgeting: Easier budgeting for those who receive their income on a monthly basis, as it aligns with their cash flow.


  • Interest Costs: Compared to fortnightly repayments, the slower reduction in principal balance means that you may end up paying more interest over the life of the loan.
  • Longer Loan Term: Without the effect of the additional payment each year, the loan term remains unchanged, potentially extending the time until you are mortgage-free.

While monthly repayments are the traditional and more straightforward method, they may not be the most cost-effective over the long term. Borrowers should weigh the advantages of simplicity and predictability against the potential for higher interest costs and a longer loan term.

Direct Comparison Scenario

To demonstrate the financial differences between fortnightly and monthly home loan repayments, let's consider a hypothetical scenario involving two borrowers, Alex and Taylor, who each take out a $300,000 home loan with an interest rate of 4% over a 30-year term. Alex opts for monthly repayments, while Taylor chooses fortnightly repayments.

Scenario Setup

  • Loan Amount: $300,000 for both
  • Interest Rate: 4% p.a., fixed for both
  • Loan Term: 30 years for both

Financial Breakdown

Alex’s Monthly Repayments:

  • Monthly repayment amount: Calculated to be approximately $1,432
  • Total interest paid over 30 years: Approximately $215,608
  • Total amount paid over the term of the loan: $515,608

Taylor’s Fortnightly Repayments:

  • Fortnightly repayment amount: Half of Alex’s monthly amount, approximately $716
  • Effective extra monthly payment per year: Resulting in a total of 13 monthly payments annually
  • Total interest paid over the loan term: Reduced to approximately $175,000
  • Loan term reduction: Approximately 4-5 years shorter
  • Total amount paid over the term of the loan: Reduced significantly due to less interest accruing


This scenario highlights the power of increasing repayment frequency. By opting for fortnightly repayments, Taylor not only saves around $40,608 in total interest compared to Alex but also becomes debt-free approximately 4-5 years earlier. The key to these savings lies in the compound interest effect; by reducing the principal more frequently, Taylor minimises the interest accrued over the loan's life.

Conclusion from the Scenario

Choosing between fortnightly and monthly repayments isn’t just about managing cash flow; it’s a strategic decision that can significantly impact the total cost of your home loan and how quickly you can pay it off. While fortnightly repayments may require tighter budget management and more discipline, the long-term financial benefits, as demonstrated in this scenario, can be substantial.

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Making the Right Choice for Your Mortgage

Deciding between fortnightly and monthly home loan repayments involves more than just number crunching; it's about aligning your repayment strategy with your financial situation, goals, and lifestyle. Here's how to assess your options and make an informed decision that could potentially save you a significant amount of money and time.

Personal Financial Situations

Assess Your Cash Flow: Evaluate your income frequency and expenses to determine which repayment schedule aligns best with your cash flow. If you're paid fortnightly, you might find it easier to manage fortnightly repayments. Financial Flexibility: Consider your financial cushion and whether you have the flexibility to handle the accelerated payment schedule of fortnightly repayments. Remember, the goal is to sustain this over the long term without causing financial strain. Long-term Goals: Reflect on your long-term financial objectives. If minimising interest and paying off your mortgage sooner align with your goals, fortnightly repayments could be the way to go.

Long-term Financial Implications

Interest Savings: Understand the impact of your repayment choice on the total interest paid over the life of your loan. As demonstrated in our scenario, fortnightly repayments can significantly reduce the total interest amount. Loan Term Reduction: Consider how important it is for you to pay off your mortgage earlier. A shorter loan term not only means being debt-free sooner but also enhances your financial freedom in the long run.

Expert Recommendations and Tips

Consult with Financial Advisers: Before making a decision, it's wise to speak with a financial adviser or mortgage broker. They can provide personalised advice based on your financial situation and help you understand the implications of each option. Review Your Mortgage Contract: Some lenders may have restrictions or fees associated with changing your repayment schedule. Review your mortgage agreement and discuss any changes with your lender to avoid unexpected charges. Regularly Review Your Mortgage: Regardless of your initial choice, it's important to review your mortgage regularly. Changes in interest rates, financial situations, or loan products may present opportunities to adjust your repayment strategy for better outcomes.

Click here for more Mortgage Hacks to help you pay off your home loan sooner.

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Choosing the right repayment schedule for your home loan—be it fortnightly or monthly—can have significant implications for your financial health. This guide has explored the nuances of each option, demonstrating how the frequency of your repayments can impact the total interest paid and the term of your loan. Through a detailed comparison scenario, we've seen that fortnightly repayments can offer substantial savings and a quicker path to being mortgage-free, thanks to the effect of compound interest and the additional payment made each year.

Key Takeaways

  • Fortnightly Repayments: Can significantly reduce the total interest paid over the life of the loan and shorten the loan term by several years.
  • Monthly Repayments: Offer simplicity and predictability, aligning with monthly income cycles but potentially resulting in higher total interest costs.
  • Personal Financial Situation: Your choice should be guided by your cash flow, financial flexibility, and long-term financial goals.
  • Expert Advice: Consulting with financial advisers and reviewing your mortgage agreement can provide personalised insights and help avoid potential pitfalls.

Actionable Advice

  1. Review Your Budget: Carefully examine your monthly budget and cash flow to determine if you can comfortably switch to a more frequent repayment schedule.
  2. Consult with Your Lender: Discuss the possibility of switching to fortnightly repayments with your lender, including any fees or terms that may apply.
  3. Regular Financial Reviews: Continuously review your financial situation and mortgage terms. As your financial circumstances evolve, there may be opportunities to adjust your repayment strategy for better outcomes.
  4. Stay Informed: Keep abreast of changes in interest rates and mortgage products. The right decision today may change as new opportunities arise.

Making an informed decision between fortnightly and monthly repayments can lead to considerable financial benefits. By understanding the advantages and considerations of each repayment frequency, you can tailor your mortgage strategy to fit your financial goals, potentially saving thousands in interest and reducing the term of your loan. Remember, the best choice is the one that aligns with your financial situation and future aspirations.


  1. Can I switch from monthly to fortnightly repayments at any time? Most lenders allow you to change your repayment schedule, but it's essential to check for any fees or restrictions.
  2. Will making fortnightly repayments always reduce the interest paid? Yes, because you're effectively making an extra month's payment each year, reducing the principal faster and accruing less interest.
  3. Are there any disadvantages to fortnightly repayments? The main consideration is ensuring your budget aligns with the more frequent payment schedule, which may require some financial adjustment.
  4. How often should I review my mortgage? It's a good practice to review your mortgage annually or whenever there are significant changes in your financial situation or the interest rates.
  5. Can I make extra repayments on my mortgage? Many loan products allow for extra repayments, which can further reduce the interest paid and the loan term. Check with your lender for any limits or conditions.
  6. Is it worth refinancing to get a better repayment schedule? Refinancing can offer benefits, including a more favourable repayment schedule, but consider the costs and potential savings carefully.   Explore your Home Loan Options Today.png

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are strictly for general informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as financial advice or recommendations.

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